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Leader's Haiku 02

Jul 13, 2020

Exhausted by imagined threats

One aspect of the brain's negativity bias is that we tend to overestimate threats and over-learn from difficult experiences. Left unchecked, this default habit of mind can be highly corrosive and depleting. It also results in us regularly misperceiving reality, which is far from ideal. 

Rebalancing your brain

We explore this fascinating topic in our Expert Insight podcast with respected Neuro-psychologist Dr Rick Hanson. In this episode on Hardwiring Resilience, we decode why the brain is tilted to the negative and we explore simple yet very powerful strategies to rebalance the brain. We are huge fans of Rick's work (and his many books) and we encourage you to listen to his wisdom and insights.  

We should mention that you need to subscribe to Leadium to access our library of podcasts. It's well worth it! 

Tune in now

HR execs agree
Executive Presence
is key to leadership*

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We've supported thousands of leaders to embody the essential elements of executive presence. Our incisive EP Memo Series provides useful, evidence-based tools and insights that will equip you to grow your presence, vitality and influence. 

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* Human Capital Institute, 2020