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Build real rapport for great teamwork

Jun 23, 2023

"Connecting with others is essential for our personal well-being.
It dramatically improves our professional outcomes."

Gabriella Rosen Kellerman and Martin Seligman

Today, when work arrangements are more fluid and flexible than ever before, with hybrid teams working remotely, part-time, or on a project-by-project basis, the ability to build authentic connection quickly is an essential skill for leaders who want to get the best out of the new workplace dynamics.


"We are wired to grow through our relationships with others."

Gabriella Rosen Kellerman and Martin Seligman

We're deeply relational creatures and are generally happiest and at our best when amongst others with whom we feel an authentic connection. This applies as much to work group dynamics, as to the other spheres of our lives.

What is authentic connection?

Put simply, it's showing people who you are and being genuinely interested in finding out who they are. It sounds easy, but in reality, many of us put up barriers with others, particularly when we feel our reputation or status is at stake. Authentic connection requires both courage and curiosity to be who we really are and to extend others the same invitation. 

Authentic connection is the key to real rapport.

When we show up authentically, people know it, and are far more likely to be open to a genuine connection in return. Real rapport is an experience we know to be true, and it is the golden ticket for positive relationship dynamics.

Leaders who can authentically connect with their team are able to create an environment of genuine trust, respect, and openness. Their acceptance of self and others innately strengthens team bonds and individual team members' sense of belonging, creating a supportive atmosphere that makes the most of collaborative possibilities. 


9 ways that leaders can build authentic connection

Authentic connection is a deep leadership skill practiced through:

  • Intentional listening

    To build rapport, listen deeply and ask questions that show genuine curiosity and interest in others' perspectives.

  • Showing courage

    To foster connection and understanding, open up and share your own experiences and challenges with others. 

  • Expressing appreciation

    Positively energise your team by showing genuine appreciation for the contributions of others.

  • Making eye contact

    Show you're paying attention and connect by meeting others' gaze in conversation.

  • Feeling empathy

    Enable understanding by connecting with the feelings and perspectives of others.

  • Following up

    Signal care by checking in with others after conversations or meetings.

  • Being more self-aware

    The more we can become aware of own experience, the more accepting we can be of other people's differences.

  • Modelling compassion

    Act with compassion towards yourself and others by being kind, empathetic and aware of shared experience.

  • Leading by example

    Model the values and behaviours you expect from your team to create a culture of trust and respect.


Source: Kellerman GR & Seligman, M (2023) TomorrowMind: Thriving at Work with Resilience, Creativity, and Connection – Now and in an Uncertain Future

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