Is your team depleted? Are the productivity demands relentless?

Are you looking for new ways to support your people at this difficult time?


Introducing The Recharge

This wellness program is ideal for organisations looking to better support their team's stamina, focus and engagement. Quick to implement and cost-effective, The Recharge will equip your people with a digital wellness toolkit and immediate support.

Build mental stamina

Thinking clearly, solving complex problems and focusing on what matters are the mainstay of leadership. Leaders also require mental stamina.  Mind performance training strengthens concentration, clarity and confidence. 


Wellness toolkit for busy leaders 

Available on-demand, the Mindful Leader's Toolkit features over 12 guided mind performance practices. Designed for time-poor professionals, these tools boost wellness, performance and self-certainty. 
Re-engage your people now


Look inwards to lead outwards

When we are stressed we can revert to unhelpful ways of thinking and acting. To skillfully lead others, you must build self-leadership. With the Mindful Leader's Toolkit, you will elevate your awareness and have tools to support you to stay on top of life's demands.


Small breaks = big wins

Taking mindful micro-breaks after focused work is a proven energy management strategy. These small breaks boost vitality, improve concentration and reduce stress. The Recharge makes this positive habit easy. 

Mindful Leader's Toolkit mobile phone

The burnout risk

Many professionals are struggling. They are working harder and they are worried about mental wellness.*

In high-demand workplaces people can't always recover between stressful events. Stress can accumulate and lead to exhaustion and burnout.

This occupational hazard is costly. Mental wellness underpins performance. It needs to be a priority.

Micro-breaks offset stress

Fortunately, punctuating hectic days with relaxation or mindfulness techniques offsets workplace stressors. 

Studies* confirm that taking 5-10 minute micro-breaks boosts vitality, aids concentration and reduces workplace injuries. 

This micro-behaviour is a proven energy management strategy which builds stress resilience.*

Intelligent workflows

Embedding this science into daily workflows is the challenge. The Mindful Leader’s Toolkit easily enables smarter, safer work practices.

The 12 mind performance tools close the gap between the theory and the practice of micro-breaks.

These concise, guided audio practices support busy professionals to pause, recharge and refocus. 


Program rollout

1. The Keynote

We will kick off your program with a 90-minute keynote. Held over Zoom, this captivating session will be facilitated by leadership specialist and Leadium Director Sharon Longridge. The science on energy management will be share and the toolkit introduced.

1. The Toolkit

Your people will gain access to the Mindful Leader's Toolkit for 12 months. This includes a well-paced communications campaign of 'nudges' to prompt users to take regular micro-breaks to boost their energy. 

3. Recharge Sessions

Your team will access six x monthly live learning sessions (via Zoom) with the MLT community. Each 30-minute session will explore an aspect of the mind at work. This dynamic training will be informative, supportive and nourishing. 


Benefits at a glance

  • Rapid rollout: Quick implementation ensures you can be highly responsive to your people’s wellness needs.
  • Cost-effective: Anchored by a digital toolkit, this high impact wellness program scales well.
  • On-demand: Your people get 24/7 access to practical wellness tools.
  • Recharge sessions: Our dynamic live sessions will support your team to refine their mind and workflow. 

Learn how this program can support your team

Leadium's 2020 Leadership Reflection Survey
Sisley R & Hawken S, (2020) A Conceptual Model of Workplace Stress, NZ Journal of Employment Relations 
Fritz, Charlotte & Lam, Chak Fu & Spreitzer, Gretchen. (2011). It’s the Little Things That Matter: An Examination of Knowledge Workers’ Energy - Management. Academy of Management Perspectives, The. 25. 28-39. 10.5465/AMP.2011.63886528.
Norouzi A (2020) Employee One-Minute Mindful Breathing Microbreaks for Present-Moment Attention, Recovery, and Well-Being