Leader-as-Coach Program

Elevate your leadership impact one conversation at a time.

High value conversations transform organisations

Effective coaching is integral to the DNA of a genuine ‘learning culture’, a trait of market leading organisations who out-innovate their competitors [1].

Coaching is a skill that effective leaders, at all levels, develop and use daily.  Leaders who provide targeted, ongoing coaching to their people, through high value conversations, improve employee engagement and business performance.

In progressive workplaces, the role of coach has eclipsed command and control practices. Attuned, receptive and relational leaders build the psychological safety and trust which underpins thriving teams and cultures [2].

Investing in coaching competency

Increasingly organisations are investing in coaching as an organisational capacity [3]. However, the ‘Coach Leader’ competency is not a hardwired skill.

Research highlights that leaders are frequently ill-equipped at coaching, while overestimating their proficiency [4]. The good news is that leaders can improve their coaching skills in a short amount of time, but have to invest in targeted learning in order to bridge this competency gap.

Our Leaders-as-Coach Program equips leaders with the framework, skills and mindset to coach more effectively.  Designed and facilitated by respected Executive Coach Kristina Revenda, this evidence-based program will shift the dial on your leadership impact by transforming how you connect with and develop others.



2 https://hbr.org/podcast/2019/01/creating-psychological-safety-in-the-workplace
3 https://hbr.org/2019/11/the-leader-as-coach
Enlist support now

The good news is that managers can improve their coaching skills in a short time (15 hours), but they do have to invest in learning how to coach in the first place...

Harvard Business Review, 2018

Grow your leadership

Key benefits of this program

Research shows there is a wide gap between how people rate their coaching effectiveness at work verses how others perceive it. This program will equip you with the behaviours and competencies needed to build your leadership coaching capability.

  • Learn to lead with greater empathy, authenticity and become a more self-aware people leader 
  • Become adept at initiating and navigating difficult conversations
  • Shift from 'Command-and-Control' to a 'Leader-as-Coach' mindset to connect more powerfully
  • Improve your development conversations to unleash energy, creativity and commitment
  • Build mental and emotional proximity even when your people are working remotely
  • Better support your people through change as they re-evaluate their purpose or career path

Participants will be mentored by our leading coaching practitioners to hone and apply these valuable skills immediately.

The key themes explored in this program

The Framework

Gain an understanding of basic coaching theory, debunk coaching myths, identify your blind-spots and identify/overcome common barriers to becoming a successful 'Leader-as-Coach'.

The Toolkit

Learn and embed the key competencies required to become an astute ‘Leader-as-Coach’ including: leading with empathy, asking purposeful questions, deep listening and giving/ receiving effective feedback.

Advance your leadership

The Practices

Get feedback from our leading coach practitioners as you apply and embody evidence-based coaching principles. Hone these valuable skills partnering with other program participants. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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